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ElektroCouture Presents FashionTech Seminar November 13 on LA Campus

ElektroCouture Presents FashionTech Seminar November 13 on LA Campus

Lisa Lang, Founder and CEO of leading FashionTech agency ElektroCouture in Berlin, will introduce us to material science, wearable electronics, and the future of fashion in an immersive seminar on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, on the Los Angeles campus.

Hosted by the FIDM Library, this event is free and sponsored by the Goethe Institute of Los Angeles. Learn how to fuse technology into fashion. Also during this event, Lisa Lang will be hosting a gadgethon to provide a hands-on demonstration of groundbreaking FashionTech and wearable technology items. The last part of this workshop will include a Q&A.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
6:30pm - 8:30pm

605 W. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Standard Oil Building, 3rd Floor

To register for this free event, please visit: eventbrite.com.

Categories:  Fashion Design Los Angeles Campus